Are you considering debt consolidation or filing bankruptcy to deal with your personal or business debts? It can be difficult to know where to turn for financial advice and debt help. If you or someone you know is looking for real debt solutions, look no further. Licensed Insolvency Trustees are the one professional fully endorsed and licensed by the federal government to help consumers and businesses when they need help with their debts.
Sands & Associates’ team of debt help specialists are dedicated to our clients and committed to providing real solutions in a caring, professional environment. You have choices about how to manage your debts to become debt-free; lets review your situation and all your options together so you can decide how to move forward with your life. We can cut virtually all types of debt, freeze interest, and provide protection from your creditors.
Visit our Uptown New Westminster location and meet with one of our Licensed Insolvency Trustees, Estate Managers and Qualified Insolvency Counsellors to find a solution to your debt needs. No referral is needed to discuss your situation and evaluate your options with a Sands & Associates representative. Debt consultations are confidential, and completely free.
Real Client Reviews | Sands & Associates New Westminster
“…Although I was a little confused at first, Julie helped me understand my options and the benefits and pitfalls of each option. It seriously is the best debt solution you’ve never heard of.” – Levi
“I have been dealing with Estate Manager Laura Kehtler. I have found over the months that she has dealt with me and my situation in a very professional, supportive way.” – Gerald
“I was extremely nervous about going to talk to people about my financial situation, Julie was a great listener and put me at ease. She explained everything so well and showed great compassion. I am really happy that I chose Sands and Associates to help me with my financial troubles and would recommend them to anyone in need.” – Lorraine
Meet with a debt expert in New Westminster. Book your free debt consultation with Sands & Associates today!