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Unexpected life events can make it difficult to meet financial demands, and many Canadians find themselves struggling with money problems every year. We understand that it can be difficult to take the first step of asking for help, especially if you’re used to managing on your own – we meet people facing this same dilemma every day.

Debt stress can be overwhelming – but you are not alone, we are here to help you find a better way to move forward towards a debt-free future.

Since 1990 Sands & Associates has helped thousands of people across BC get a financial fresh start and a future free from the worry and stress of debt. We are proud to play a non-judgmental and supportive role in helping our clients move forward with their lives and are grateful for those who choose to share their stories, in the hopes that they may offer encouragement and support to someone else facing similar circumstances.

Meet Tammy and watch her tell her debt-free success story, unscripted and in her own words.


Read more about Tammy’s story:

Tammy was managing on a narrow budget as a single Mom raising her son on her own, but when her employer’s company changed hands and she lost her job, debt began to take root in her daily life. After a period of having her income reduced to EI benefits, Tammy did find work, but the decreased income left the strained family finances suffering.

“…starting off at minimum wage again…it hurts because you’re taking such a pay cut…”

“It was very difficult to keep up with payments and bills, my rent especially, that was the hardest one because the rent is so expensive in BC.” As Tammy tried to keep a handle on her finances bill collectors began calling and she was caught in the trap of credit cards and payday loans “…repaying them back to borrow again…”

Battling the relentless demands of her debts, the emotional drain and constant stress and embarrassment left Tammy feeling alone, “I would get two steps ahead and something else would happen and I’d be another three steps back, it felt like I was taking more steps back than I was forward.”

Tammy’s biggest worry was that she wouldn’t be able to care for her son. She describes an incident that triggered her drive for change the most: “…I literally could not buy my son anything for Christmas. That was the worst feeling of my life.”

“I tried my hardest to try to hide it from my son, but he knew something was up because I wasn’t myself….”

Learn the 4 Debt Help Resources Everyone Should Know About

Struggling with feelings of failure, but realizing she was “on a never-ending debt payment system that just didn’t work”, Tammy pushed past the habit of independence that made her shy about asking for help. Despite her nervousness, she sat down with Sands & Associates. “I didn’t feel like I was alone anymore. I had somebody in my corner helping me…” Learning that she could conquer her debt without filing bankruptcy left Tammy feeling energized…and finally stress-free.

“…I just kept taking those steps forward… Life just rolls, and we have to know how to deal with it.”

Connect with a caring Sands & Associates debt expert – book your free debt consultation today.

What kind of debt can a Licensed Insolvency Trustee help with?

Licensed Insolvency Trustees are the one debt professional endorsed and legally empowered by the Canadian federal government to offer solutions that can help individuals manage virtually all types of debts. Whether you choose a Consumer Proposal or even a personal bankruptcy to consolidate and cut debt, working with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee gives you options that can help you deal with debts from:

  • Credit cards, overdrafts and lines of credit;
  • Payday loans and cash advances;
  • Debt consolidation loans from a bank or other financial institution;
  • Mortgage or vehicle shortfalls;
  • Income tax, GST and other Canada Revenue Agency debts, and their interest and penalties;
  • Student loans, whether they are private, federal or provincial;
  • ICBC and MSP;
  • Personal loans and guarantees;
  • Debts incurred while owning your own business.

Tailored to your individual needs and circumstances, a Consumer Proposal can serve to successfully consolidate your debts and cut the amount you need to repay down to what you can afford, with the remaining balance being written-off and forgiven by your creditors – your debts may be reduced by as much as 80% and future interest charges will be stopped permanently.

If you find yourself unable to make any future payments on your debt, a Licensed Insolvency Trustee can also provide bankruptcy services and a personal (or business) bankruptcy can have these debts forgiven.

Meet with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee to find out how we can help you move forward.

Ready to get started? Your debt-free future is waiting. Book your free debt consultation now.
