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One of our four Vancouver Island locations, Sands & Associates’ Colwood office serves local residents of Colwood, Langford and surrounding areas. Our friendly team of debt management experts helps individuals and small businesses assess their debt options and put into effect legal debt relief solutions to help them break free from overwhelming debt and get a financial fresh start.

Many people we meet feel like they are faced with insurmountable debt, out of options, and fear that they will never be debt-free. We’re here to listen to your situation and work together on a plan of action so that you can move forward with your life – without debt!

Meet our Colwood Debt Help Professionals:

Janet Humes

Janet Humes is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee who has over 20 years of experience in personal and business debt management. She is passionate about helping people take control of their debts.

Jennifer Thom

Estate Manager and Qualified Insolvency Counsellor Jennifer Thom helps individuals understand their legal debt solutions and how to become debt-free. Her supportive approach helps clients feel at ease during what can be a stressful time.

Stephanie Munsie

Estate Manager and CPA Stephanie Munsie focuses on debt solutions for consumers and she offers a knowledge-based style to help clients work towards their financial goals. Knowing is not owing!

How Can Sands & Associates Help with Debt?

Licensed Insolvency Trustees are the only debt professional endorsed and qualified by the federal government to help people and businesses with debt solutions. So, what exactly does this mean?

When you meet with a Sands & Associates representative we will:

  • Take the time to understand your situation and the unique problems you may be facing
  • Talk with you about all possible options for you to get out of debt, including:
  • Help you evaluate the pros and cons of each solution, based on your specific circumstances

It should never cost you money to get a plan to become debt-free. All our consultations are free of charge and you are under no obligation to proceed.

If you decide to move forward with a Consumer Proposal or Bankruptcy with Sands & Associates we will help guide you through each step of the process. Regardless of the debt relief strategy chosen, our goal is to arm you with the information you need to move forward successfully.

How Can I File a Consumer Proposal?

In order to file a Consumer Proposal that can consolidate and cut your debts you’ll need to work with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. The first step in the Consumer Proposal process is to meet with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee or Insolvency Estate Manager to discuss your situation. Together you and your Sands & Associates representative will calculate a Consumer Proposal debt settlement offer that you can afford to pay.

Once your Consumer Proposal has been accepted by your creditors you will simply work through the terms offered (usually a monthly payment) and the balance of the debts will be forgiven and written-off by your creditors.

Key Points to Consider:

  • Filing a Consumer Proposal may cut your debt down to as little 20% of the balance owing;
  • Consumer Proposals may be paid over a maximum of 60 months, although terms of 24-36 months are most common;
  • Consumer Proposal may consolidate consumer debts like credit cards as well as government debts like income tax debt;
  • Future interest charges are automatically stopped the day you file a Consumer Proposal;
  • Creditors are not allowed to contact or harass you for payment once you have signed your Consumer Proposal; they are required to deal directly with your Trustee.

Read our Consumer Proposal FAQs here, or book your free debt consultation now to get started.

How Do I Claim Bankruptcy?

The first step in claiming bankruptcy is to connect with a local Licensed Insolvency Trustee. You do not need permission from your creditors if you are unable to repay your debts and make the decision to file personal bankruptcy. A Licensed Insolvency Trustee or Insolvency Estate Manager from Sands & Associates will work with you closely so you understand the bankruptcy process and the few steps required in order to be released from bankruptcy and have your debts forgiven.

Key Points to Consider:

  • Personal bankruptcy lasts either 9 months or 21 months for most people;
  • Provincial laws allow most people to keep all their assets throughout the bankruptcy process;
  • Bankruptcy may cost as little as $200 per month for 9 months;
  • Consumer debts as well as government debts may be forgiven by filing bankruptcy;
  • Many people rebuild their credit within 2-3 years following a bankruptcy proceeding.

Read our Personal Bankruptcy FAQs here, or book your free debt consultation now to get started.

What Clients are Saying about Working with Sands & Associates:

Knowing your options relieves half the stress and enables you to see and do the best thing to deal with your financial issues. Sands & Associates did that for me and I will be forever grateful.” – Judy

“Sands and Associates took a bleak situation and made it better.” – Douglas

“I had a lot of mixed feelings when I first went to speak to my trustee about my options – a lot of it was because of fear of the unknown but also a lot was due to feeling very guilty and ashamed. My trustee just let me talk, cry and go through the emotions of the whole process and was so kind. When I walked away I was able to hold my head high and understand that having to do this was the best thing I could do for me – I really wish I would have done it sooner.” – Ingrid

Ready to get a plan? Get professional debt help in Colwood today, book your confidential free debt consultation with Sands & Associates. Click here to see a list of all our BC locations and find a local office near you.
