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Review Your Financial Situation

If you’re unable to make more than minimum monthly payments on your debts, rely on credit to meet your monthly expenses, or are being harassed by creditors, please know that there are options available to you. You can move forward without debt.

A Licensed Insolvency Trustee will work with you to evaluate your current financial standing. Many people feel anxious about contacting an advisor about their debts. At Sands & Associates, we are here to help you manage your situation – judgement free. We’ll start our conversation by asking you about your financial goals. For most people we work with, their goal is to become debt-free.

A Licensed Insolvency Trustee is your best ally and the only professional who is qualified to advise you on all of your options to achieve a financial fresh start. The first step is to meet with us to assess your situation – no jargon or confusion – just clear, practical advice.



Understand Your Repayment Options

Many Canadians are amazed to learn about all of the debt resolution options available to them. A Consumer Proposal, for example, provides debt relief of up to 80%, an immediate interest freeze, and manageable monthly payments.

During your free confidential meeting with us, we will discuss all options available to you, including debt consolidation, filing a Consumer Proposal, considering personal bankruptcy, or simply sound advice on household budgeting.

The goal is to help you become debt free and equip you with the tools you need to achieve a financial fresh start with confidence.



Achieve Your Financial Freedom

Since 1990, our team of empathetic professionals has helped people just like you achieve a fresh start. Sands & Associates has assisted tens of thousands of individuals eliminate the daily burden of debt over the past 26 years. Our clients overwhelmingly agree that making the decision to deal with their debts has significantly improved both their financial and physical wellbeing.

Only a Licensed Insolvency Trustee is empowered by law to shield you from your creditors and give you the help you need to restructure. Whether it’s a reduction in the amount of debt you must repay, a permanent interest freeze, stopping harassing collection calls, or ensuring the protection of your assets, these are all components of options that we can provide.

Not all debt providers are created equal. Always be sure that you are speaking with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee – they are the only debt professionals designated by the federal government.

There is no “one size fits all” solution when it comes to debt. We’ll work with you to create a tailored plan that allows you to meet your financial goals. Rest assured, with Sands & Associates you can take charge of your future – you have nothing to lose but your debt!
