Office Spotlight: Sands & Associates Mission

Since 1990, Sands & Associates’ debt experts have provided support and solutions to thousands of people across British Columbia, and now BC’s largest firm of Licensed Insolvency Trustees focused on debt help for consumers is pleased to announce the expansion of our local office network with the opening of our newest Sands & Associates location in Mission.

Blair Mantin, Sands & Associates President and Licensed Insolvency Trustee shares more about helping consumers deal with a debt problem:

“Debt is a problem like many others in that it does have a solution – and we’re here to help you understand all of your options and move forward with the plan that’s right for you and your situation. We believe that financial issues can happen to anyone, and that you owe it to yourself to get debt help.

For over 30 years Sands & Associates has been a part of our local communities, supporting BC consumers facing debt challenges. Our team of Licensed Insolvency Trustees, Insolvency Estate Managers and Qualified Counsellors is made up of professionals who are not only qualified and experienced in helping people get out of debt, but committed to doing so in a way that makes everyone feel respected, heard, and valued.

Whether you are facing an urgent debt issue or looking for a better way to pay off your debt, Sands & Associates is here for you with support, solutions – and no judgment.”

Sands & Associates offers complete debt relief services at local offices throughout the province, as well as over the phone and online. Book a free, confidential and non-judgmental consultation today to get advice and a plan to be debt-free.

Do I Qualify for Debt Help? 

If you need debt advice or think you might have a debt problem, a Licensed Insolvency Trustee is the right professional to help you. Simply get in touch with a local Licensed Insolvency Trustee directly to request a free one-on-one consultation to talk about your situation and get confidential advice.

You don’t need to meet any qualifiers or be facing an extreme situation, such as being sued by a creditor, to seek debt help from a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. Some common situations that we help with include, but are not limited to:

  • You’re experiencing stress about your debt and ability to make your monthly payments.
  • You’ve been looking for ways to manage your debt more effectively.
  • You worry about escalating creditor action or increasing account balances.
  • You’re not able to pay much more than the required minimum monthly payments on your credit card or other balances.
  • You make payments each month but are then forced to use your credit again to pay regular bills or household expenses.
  • You’ve consolidated your debt but still feel financially squeezed.
  • You feel prevented from moving forward because of old debts, or debts that are taking you a long time to pay off.
  • Your current pace of debt repayment will have you making (non-mortgage) debt payments for more than five years.

In less than an hour we can help you understand your situation, explore all your options to deal with your debt, and help you take the next steps in the plan you choose. Get started today with a free, confidential debt consultation. 

Debt Relief for Canadians

In Canada, consumers have two different options for debt relief that will allow you to have some – or all – of your debts completely forgiven and legally extinguished. These options are:

Filing a Consumer Proposal: This legal consolidation solution offers consumers debt relief with a plan that will:

  • Consolidate virtually all your debt without borrowing, interest charges or added fees.
  • Allow you to repay your creditors the portion of your debt that you can afford, in full and final settlement (cutting up to 50-80% of your total consolidated debt is common).
  • Prohibit creditors from pursuing you for payment, collections, or ongoing interest.
  • Provide a debt restructuring plan of up to five years, with a clear debt-free end date.

Declaring Bankruptcy: Where an individual can’t afford to repay a portion of their debt through a Consumer Proposal, personal bankruptcy is an alternative option for debt relief that can allow you to have up to 100% of your debts forgiven (even government debts):

  • You do not need to ask your creditors’ permission to file for bankruptcy, and you will get immediate protection from your creditors.
  • Most bankruptcies in Canada take only nine months to complete, and you only pay an administrative cost which is usually broken into payments over this time.
  • Bankruptcy does not permanently impact your credit history, and you can usually re-establish a positive credit history within two or three years.

These two debt relief solutions are only available through working with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee and are the only options available for consumers to legally have their debts forgiven. Don’t be fooled by other agents or advertisements! Ask “Are you a Licensed Insolvency Trustee?” 

You don’t have to solve your debt problem alone – everyone deserves to live with dignity, and without the overwhelming stress of debt. Speak with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee about your concerns and get guidance and a personalized debt-free plan so you can move forward and live your best life – without debt.

Connect with a friendly, local debt expert who cares and get started with the debt-free plan that’s right for you – Book your free, confidential debt consultation today.

Blair Mantin:
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