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What Assets Can I Keep if I Declare Bankruptcy?

Dec 18, 2023
Are you struggling with unmanageable debt but worried about giving up your vehicle, RRSPs, or other assets if you declare bankruptcy? Fortunately, there are laws in place in Canada that allow you to get debt forgiveness and protection from your creditors,...Read more

The Debt-Free Difference

Dec 4, 2023
Making debt payments month after month can seem never-ending, and being debt-free too far off to imagine. If you’re feeling frustrated with your debt, or as though you’ll never get your debt paid off – know that you are not alone in this, and that...Read more

How Much Debt is Too Much?

Nov 2, 2023
When most people seem to be carrying debt, just how do you know when you’ve got a problem? BC debt expert and Sands & Associates Licensed Insolvency Trustee Blair Mantin recently joined Global News to share some common warning signs about personal debt...Read more

How Do I Qualify for a Consumer Proposal?

Oct 16, 2023
A Consumer Proposal can allow you to consolidate and cut your personal debt – without borrowing, added interest, or professional fees. Read on to learn about the Consumer Proposal process, and whether you might qualify to file a Consumer Proposal to deal...Read more