Life events beyond our control often have serious long-term financial consequences. Despite many people’s best efforts, they’re sometimes simply unable to continue to manage their debts on their own. It’s important for consumers and business owners to know that legal debt solutions are available to help you turn around even the most challenging financial situation.
You are not alone in your financial struggles, and we’re here to help.
Since 1990 Sands & Associates has helped thousands of people in BC who were struggling under the pressure of debt. We are proud to be able to support our clients without judgment as they take charge and move towards a positive, debt-free financial future, and greatly appreciate those who have decided to share their stories in the hopes that they offer support to another person who may be facing a similar situation.
Meet Peter and watch him tell his debt-free success story, unscripted and in his own words.
Read more about Peter’s story:
Peter’s story could be familiar to many people across the province. He enjoyed success as a contractor in the Okanagan for a number of years before the economic downturn in 2008. His customers then struggled to pay their bills, leaving Peter’s business desperately short of cash. Feeling he had responsibility to his own tradespeople and vendors, his financial challenges started.
“…it took a financial toll on me in that I had to use personal savings in order to make sure everyone was paid and taken care of.”
A combination of life events, including the eventual loss of his business and breakdown of his marriage brought Peter to the decision to move to the lower mainland in order to keep working, juggling debts of just under $100,000. Despite his diligent efforts, including working three jobs, he found himself unable to make enough money to cover his living expenses and became completely overwhelmed.
“I had no idea how stressful the situations would be…how it makes you react…not sleep, not eat…it just becomes a very desperate life situation…” Peter describes this period as being the lowest point in his life, filled with sleepless nights, anxiety and overwhelming stress.
“I didn’t want to be around anymore. I didn’t want to be a burden to people, I felt that I was.”
Realizing he needed to figure out his next steps and coming to the ultimate decision to somehow make a better life, he decided to talk to Sands & Associates. “For me that was the beginning of turning around my life…knowing that there were options that I didn’t feel were there before.”
Learn more about Consumer Proposals
Feeling as though he had “a new beginning coming”, and a path to move forward, he worked with Sands & Associates on a financial plan that would allow him to regain control of his life. The daily worry, desperation and pressures he coped with for so long are behind him: “In a short three years I’ve gone from being $100,000 in debt to almost the same amount of money in the bank…within the next six months I’ll be buying a home.”
“…it allowed me to concentrate on other things in my life as well and working on making my stability, not just financially but mentally, physically…”
Looking back even now, Peter says he still wonders “where things went sideways…what I could have done differently…and there’s not a lot.”
He decided to share his own story, with the goal of giving comfort and hope to someone else who might be struggling: “…if all it does is change one person’s then to me that is a good thing, because it changed my life.”
“I still have lots of life to live and I’m enjoying every bit…”
Connect with a caring Sands & Associates debt expert – book your free debt consultation today.
What kind of debt help is available to me?
Many people worry that no solution exists to help them deal with a debt problem – fortunately you DO have options when it comes to debt help. Licensed Insolvency Trustees are the one debt professional endorsed and empowered by the federal government to offer you debt help that can protect you from creditors and get you back on track.
When you meet with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee, we will work to understand your situation and the reasons you are seeking help. Some people are seeking a debt consolidation option to streamline their debt repayment, others may be looking for a way to have all of their debts forgiven – whatever your goal, we can help you find the solution that makes the most sense for your needs. Some of the debt help options that we will review with you include:
- Debt consolidation loans;
- Consumer Proposals to consolidate and cut debts down to what you can afford to repay, interest-free;
- Credit counselling and other debt management plans;
- Personal bankruptcy and business bankruptcy if you are unable to maintain debt payments.
Licensed Insolvency Trustees like Sands & Associates can help you learn about your debt options regardless of your credit score or income – we understand that money problems can happen to anyone at anytime.
Ready to get started? Your debt-free future is waiting. Book your free debt consultation now.